Conservatism Is Taking A Hard Turn Toward Cruelty & Stupidity

Reader, there are good things about older and traditional conservatism.  Not many, yet some.  For example, the world view of honest work and reaping those deserved benefits only after that chore is completed and finished in competency. Yet, as we have gotten past a new century, conservatism has taken a darker, more selfish and more cruel aspect and it shows in everyday conversation.  Look around and there is a to the victor’s goes the spoils type of mentality.   Mantras used to be: I’ve got mine out of hard work. Do the same and I’ll help you get yours. In recent years you could sense the collective mantra was: I’ve got mine and I don’t care if you get yours. Although, selfish, at least that type of mentality was laissez faire. In our times now it seems to be: I’ve got mine and I DON’T WANT YOU TO HAVE YOURS!  OUT OF CRUELTY I’LL MOCK YOU OR EVEN PREVENT YOU FROM HAVING YOURS.

It used to be malignant economic events and natural disasters would unearth positive qualities in humanity.  Things like cooperation, mercy and discernment in how to better prevent the problem again. Now, they uncover stupidity, carelessness and cruelty. I don’t donate to hurricane disaster relief efforts too often any more.  The reason I don’t is because I’m constantly signing petitions and writing my elected officials on the effects of climate change and global warming. I send money to organizations that fight disinformation on climate policy and educate citizens on its effects.   I sponsor political candidates who want to hold wealthy polluters accountable as a preventative measure. Because I do all of that, I don’t see a need to proverbially clean up milk when I tried to keep it from being spilled in the first place. I’ve never gotten the chance to tell a modern conservative that that is how I address disaster relief, if they ask me for a donation.  I’m sure they’d get into a heated argument with me and maybe it lead to blows.  Yet, this is the stupidity aspect of modern day conservatism.  To take in disinformation about climate change, elect politicians who are sock puppets for polluters, label informed and concerned citizens as ‘socialists’ or ‘green wackos’ who promote holding polluters accountable. To keep believing the racket of propaganda while; losing needless money by donating to disaster reliefs that can be avoided by VOTING FOR THE RIGHT PEOPLE, DISENGAGING FROM DISINFORMATION and caring about someone other than yourself.  IT WOULD BE FAR CHEAPER TO MAKE BIG OIL CONGLOMERATES BEHIND ALL OF THE CLIMATE DISINFORMATION TO PAY FOR THESE DISASTER RELIEF EFFORTS.  THEY CAUSE THE PROBLEM EVERYTIME AND STICK YOU WITH THE BILL! Voter, I’m not saying there is not a time or place for mercy. I strongly advocate and believe in aid for disasters.  Go volunteer, donate.  Just don’t be one of those who mock preventative measures against such things and then go cry aloud about getting people to donate toward the result of a problem you have perpetuated in a small way.

Discussing life two days ago with this PAC’s website administrator we marveled at all of the disruptive events taking place in our society during an election year.  We discussed the east coast strike at the major ports.  I told him, I’d hate the higher prices like anyone, yet I am cheering on those workers who are striking because they are just trying to survive.  At work today I overheard a coworker mocking striking workers in Florida where it’s governor was using the military to attempt to force them back into labor.  Although, it was infuriating to hear his sentiment, I emphasize with his view point. It is fact that this strike will hurt my company as we export material overseas. Our, my bottom line is affected by the strike.  Yet, I’m altruistic, informed and reasonable enough to realize that the strikers would not be striking unless they really had excellent reason to. When corporate wealth is trying to use robots to replace them, I’M SIDING WITH WORKERS AND THE FAMILIES WHO DEPEND ON THEM EVERYTIME.  It matters to me that they have income over my personal comfort of luxuries.

This is where we are as a society, though.  Get angry at others trying to survive like we all are. Continue to trivialize warning signs in our environment that lead to catastrophe.  Due to a cycle of garbage propaganda paid for by those who can profit off of it or use it to evade accountability. It’s amusing how that same apparatus of wealth uses so much money to propagandize or pay off legislators to help shelter their wealth.  Wouldn’t be cheaper to use measures to help prevent all of our social issues? I HOPE IT’S EXPENSIVE TO CLEAN UP THE MESS THEY LEAVE US SOCIALLY OR ENVIRONMENTALLY FOR THEM!  THOSE BASTARDS CERTAINLY DESERVE A HIGH BILL!  It’s one they should’ve paid years ago!  That’s the modern era of libertarian brand cruelty for you.  Modern misinformed conservative…………….you’re getting stuck with the bill like the rest of us.  It’s time you pay for most of it along with the rat finks causing these problems.



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