
Vanderbilt Unity Poll Reveals Significant National Unity On Gun Control, Abortion, Climate Change & Bipartisan Compromise
29 August 2023, 17:24
Friends and fellow citizens, On July 12, we released our second Vanderbilt Unity Poll, which asks Americans...
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The Great Clarification Needed Behind The Pulpit Regarding "Authority Figures" Part 1
30 August 2023, 09:22
You may heard a reference during the extended prayer section of a service about praying for those in...
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The Great Clarification Needed Behind The Pulpit Regarding "Authority Figures" Part 2
31 August 2023, 08:58
Common sense and common law gives Christians a window as to who holds authority over us in certain aspects...
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The Great Clarification Needed Behind The Pulpit Regarding "Authority Figures" Part 3
01 September 2023, 14:45
In the last article I discussed what political offices could be viewed as having authority over citizenry...
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The Great Clarification Needed Behind The Pulpit Regarding "Authority Figures" Part 4
05 September 2023, 10:07
Now that I’ve laid out the logic behind the notion that certain elected positions have authority...
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The Great Clarification Needed Behind The Pulpit Regarding "Authority Figures" Part 5
06 September 2023, 17:09
How Evangelicals Should View The Matter When we yield to ‘authority’ it’s better to...
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Two Unspoken Origins of The Violent Male Incel Culture
07 September 2023, 12:18
Every now and then the world witnesses the pinnacle of the proverbial iceberg of mysoginistic based violence...
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That One Simple Thing Internet News Post Creators Can Do To Terminate America's Epidemic of Discord
11 September 2023, 10:44
The glorious reality about living in America is our First Amendment right to freedom of speech. Yet,...
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That Toxic Type Of Voter Candidates Must Consider
18 September 2023, 09:59
Turn on the television, only if you feel like throwing up. Open up your laptops, if you’re begging...
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Those Unspoken Reasons Ultra Wealthy Conservatives Show Their Disdain Toward Low Income Citizens Through Policy
26 September 2023, 09:57
Go out for a drive to run any errand for an appointment, work or social function. Within a minute or...
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Social Media & America's Favorite Pastime of Invasion of Privacy, Why 'Karen Laws' Are Necessary
02 October 2023, 13:25
In June of 2021, I’d been a member of a country club in my hometown of Gadsden for only two months....
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Why The Joke Is On All Of The Anti-Hollywood Culture Warriors
09 October 2023, 11:07
It’s assumed by conspiracy theory driven, jealous culture warriors that liberal Hollywood entertainers...
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Comparative Intellectual Overconfidence Is A Millstone Capable Of Drowning A Candidate
16 October 2023, 09:11
I just lost badly last month to a friend whom I play checkers with for a third time.  Meet Mr. Robert...
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Watch Out For This Type Of Voter More Than Any Other
23 October 2023, 15:54
Candidate, remember a few weeks back when I talked about the two kinds of voters you must consider? There...
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The Alternate Perception Concerning White Supremacy In Alabama
06 November 2023, 10:28
An even minded, white Alabamian gets up to grab their cup of coffee and opens up another local news app...
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Emasculation Nation
13 November 2023, 16:48
Unwrapping Our Culture’s Pathological Obsession With Living Vicariously Through Others When I read...
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Those Social 'Undercurrents' Unique to Alabama Candidates Must Recognize
20 November 2023, 12:42
In some other states, particulary ones that are purple, first term Alabama Senator, Tommy Tuberville’s...
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Government Shut Down A Real Time Example Of Why Candidate & Constituent Vetting Is Even More Important In State Wide Elections
27 November 2023, 15:36
During his time as president George Washington took a saucer blew into it similating a cooling effect...
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Government Shut Down A Real Time Example Of Why Candidate & Constituent Vetting Is Even More Important In State Wide Elections
13 December 2023, 10:05
During his time as president George Washington took a saucer blew into it similating a cooling effect...
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New Special Mastered Redistricted Congressional Two's Potential Will Get Squandered By Joe Reed
03 January 2024, 09:10 reported in October that the Alabama Democratic Black Caucus was finalizing a fourth map for Congressional...
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Today's Forcast - Cold With A 30% Chance Of Laziness
16 January 2024, 15:16
I have no doubt about the possibility of danger in sub freezing temperatures. I am not minimizing the...
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Unwrapping Public School Support vs. Tax Payer Vouchers
22 January 2024, 17:54
In 2011, I got really enthusiastic about the private tutoring company I was starting from scratch.  I...
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The Point Where The Senseless Right & Inexperienced Left Get It Wrong About Labor Policy
30 January 2024, 10:12
I walked into Office Depot last Monday with intent to discover if I had some credits to my account properly...
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Reexamining Our Culture's Assault On American Men
05 February 2024, 13:19
Concerning my fourth article posted here, I was satisfied with my commentary on how young men are becoming...
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Cultural Emphasis On 'WAGs' (Wives & Girlfriends of High Profile Sportsmen) More Than A Nuisance
09 February 2024, 09:48
It’s Super Bowl week and I’ve hardly remembered that it is.  No, I’ve made plans to...
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That New Societal Pattern Indicative Of A Hard To Convince Electorate
19 February 2024, 10:50
Three and a half years ago, I got into a physical altercation with someone at a Winn-Dixie during the...
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Practice This 'Personal Culture' Perspective Before You Even Become A Candidate
26 February 2024, 11:27
I hate it that I do my best thinking when I wake up at night to go to the bathroom and get back into...
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The Crises At The Southern Border & Two Southern Universities
01 March 2024, 09:44
When I made my way to Athens, GA last week to teach a course on recycling at the University of Georgia’s...
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That One Lie I'll Overlook From Looney Conspiracy Theoriest Yet Never From Public Servants
04 March 2024, 11:04
I hate it, yet can tolerate it when rank and file voters claim that the 2020 election was tainted with...
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Post Super Tuesday Primary Observations
06 March 2024, 10:02
Pinpointing Those Who Really Lost Last Night No doubt, concerning conventional news, Nikki Haley lost...
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This Read Is For The Voters
11 March 2024, 10:48
Those Traits That Indicate Criminal Behavior Before It Happens In Candidates Someone who once worked...
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A 'Lot' Of Hope (An Exposition On New Friends & What Art Can Do For Communities)
18 March 2024, 09:42
The evening of January 31st of this year was my 7th or so time on set.  The second for a movie and same...
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An Important Plea From An Authentic, Grass Roots & Non Partisan News Source Fighting For Decency & Accountability
25 March 2024, 10:43
Good morning everyone. Usually in ths space is an opinion piece concerning how, myself as founder of...
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That One Phrase To Use Against Online Hate Trolls Which Works Everytime
01 April 2024, 09:42
This past summer I took a course from the University of Tennessee’s Center For Professional Education...
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Headline Stress Disorder Is A Real Thing........ You Know
10 April 2024, 10:58
I reword this essay seconds after I just saw the tag line from a health guru I follow, discussing the...
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Those Unamed Culprits Behind The State of The Union Rebuttle Fiasco
15 April 2024, 11:17
For a hot minute, I thought I may be wrong about all of the hard work I put into Will Boyd’s Senatorial...
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Take These Consumer Advocacy Cues & This One Life Hack To Deal With Junk Mail
22 April 2024, 17:56
I’m no different than anyone out there in that opening up my mailbox can be stressful. There are...
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In An Election Year This Is The One Aspect Of Introspection You Must Consider
10 May 2024, 15:46
I may have have said it before.  I really don’t get mad at politicians like most people.  I get...
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A Letter Never Sent
13 May 2024, 09:54
The reality of living in Alabama is that when my federal representatives come up in news feeds the first...
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End Times for Oil — Crypto, Gold, Radicalization, and January 6th
20 May 2024, 12:25
As the age of oil winds down, a variety of interlinked forces are in play. Dave outlines a framework...
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Candidates & Organizations Donated To For 2024
24 May 2024, 21:35
Matt Deimer  – D (Ohio U.S. House) Bob Casey – D (Pennsylvania U.S. Senate) Gary Palmer – R...
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Compassionate Youthful Voters Are Becoming America's Most Hunted Game, It's A Damn Serious Problem
29 May 2024, 09:24
My birthday is today, May 29th. Most people love their birthday. Most of us cherish our birth month....
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30 May 2024, 13:08
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30 May 2024, 13:09
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Smorgas(bored) AIPAC, Canvassing & Political Exhaustion
27 June 2024, 10:51
I mostly got away from writing entries since it made me ‘brain strain’ before sifting through...
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Israel's Information War
28 June 2024, 11:04
Check out The Young Turks (TYT) Podcast on YouTube! Listen Here
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Update On Donations To Federal Candidates (A Report On Transparency)
02 July 2024, 15:29
Cory Booker (U.S. Senate) New Jersey Angela Alsobrooks (U.S. Senate) Maryland Biden Victory Fund
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Alzheimer's Association Update
02 July 2024, 15:57
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Those Two Variables That Will Erode Society As We Know It -Election 2024
11 July 2024, 15:14
Up until the end of last week, my post apocalyptic debate view point was akin to any July Alabama day....
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Decompressing-Finding Humor During The Home Stretch of This Year's Political Cycle
19 July 2024, 10:31
Reader by the time you are seeing this……………..I’m about to close out...
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Fetal Alcohol Dog Guy (Silicon Valley's Libertarian Freak Show & How It's On The Doorstep of America's Presidency)
25 July 2024, 10:55
During an interview on Fox News with Tucker Carlson in 2022, then Senatorial candidate JD Vance, claimed...
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West Virginia To Seattle A Personal Testimony Concerning 'Trans' Culture In America
30 July 2024, 09:10
I was a day behind the ‘cultural’ curve in regards to what happened during the opening events...
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A Valuable Life Hack Everyone Forgets Taking Schooling From Embarrassing Types
15 August 2024, 10:53
If you remember from a post months ago, I told you the story about the eavesdropping hotel owner in my...
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Current U.S. Political Thought Can Be Crystalized Simply As Altruism vs. Ayn Rand Libertarianism
16 August 2024, 12:24
I’d make a great gardener. I’m always seeking the root of socio-political problems in our...
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NFL Sunday Package Lawsuit Pokes Holes In Idiotic Libertarian Version Of Free Market World View
26 August 2024, 12:53
Late last week U.S. District 9 Judge, Philip Gutierrez, made a final decision against plaintiffs in their...
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