Hey Kiddies Join The Boy Scouts………………………….Join An Anti -Government Militia Group

After yesterday’s news that President Dingleshit pardoned the insurrectionists from the January 6th 2021 U.S. Capitol insurrection, letting them out of prisons all over the country; Republican legislators found comfortable hiding places away from news outlets like elevators or stairwells. The most peculiar development concerning the day though was the announcement from one of the most violent and looney insurrectionists, Stewart Rhodes of the Oath Keepers. Mr. Rhodes announced his big plans to infiltrate Boy Scouts of America chapters all over the country on his way out of the brink after signing his papers. This so in order to try to teach them rugged values as a training ground to join militias like his to go to war with state and federal governments all across our ‘waves of amber grains.’ Because who needs time honored values like commitment, accountability and sacrifice that the Boy Scouts now are teaching when you can have hate, paranoia and treason.

Ten years ago most everyone hearing such a plan would have laughed it off. The problem is though, in our modern ways of seeing the world it tragically may come to pass. If we’ve gone as far as to call the insurrectionists of four years ago, political prisoners and then let them out of prison for multiple felonies then it must not be a stretch to believe that a militia group can over take an organization like the Boy Scouts of America. And that doing so would be an acceptable idea to at least half of American society. Whatever one thinks about the issue, it’s apparent Russian disinformation has done more than it could ever dream in rotting out half of America’s ability to reason and use sound logic on almost any salient issue about how our government should run and how we should conduct ourselves in our day to day lives.

No word yet, on whether some of the groups who harass library staff or school board members are going to infiltrate the Girl Scouts of America. I’m sure it’s being discussed though!


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