Those Two Variables That Will Erode Society As We Know It -Election 2024

Up until the end of last week, my post apocalyptic debate view point was akin to any July Alabama day. There would be clouds, then sunshine, rain and thunder. Then the sun would come back out. A metaphor of my vascillating between feeling Biden could pull out a win in four months vs. hoping the DNC would create another candidate atop the ticket, knowing he was doomed. It really came down to what podcast or youtube channel I was consuming within a ten minute to sixty minute window of time. And to think I told myself I’d take a break from politics for July.

Just like a cake baking in an oven I’m starting to harden into one opinion I will stay with until November. One that will certainly affect the way I behave the first Tuesday of November. Even how I’ll behave up until that point. After sound consumption of all viewpoints on Biden’s candidacy it is my belief he should drop out of the race. Has he done one the most dynamic jobs in generations in regards to accomplishing goodness and altruism for the most, compared to past presidents? Absolutely! Is it fair he took over after a roaring pandemic and during two major world conflicts causing inflation that taints his legacy either way in a ‘can’t please everyone’ scenario? Hell no! Is it more of an indictment of the dumbing down of society by well monied media spin that people cannot appreciate the true meaning of what Joe has accomplished? Yes, Tragically, we’ve always lived in a world where perception is stronger than reality. It’s not fair. It sucks, yet perception is stronger than well…………..reality! It is to a lot of people. The kinds of people who will determine who is president in November. Horrifically, now fantasy is stronger than reality. Polling now indicates (yes polls are not the final say, but they present some indications of predictive outcomes if they are consistent for months on end) that a man who committed treason against our country, lied at the debate 34 times, is a convicted felon and posts about Q-Anon conspiracies on a regular basis is up at least 5 percentage points in most national and swing state specific polls. That is a ‘reality’ that is hard to overcome no matter how talented and well presented a candidate is. Now, with the hard truth about Biden’s cognative decline (which I personally believe as fact and fact enough to opine that he should not run for president) it is a certainty Donald Trump will be our president again in six month’s time, if the Democrats don’t present a new option. It will truly be the darkest time in the history of our country since the Civil War. There actually will be violence in some form to. It will be more about the just and innocent getting punished in self defense from corruption and cruelty for standing up for their rights. Think I’m using hyperbole? Just wait. It’s coming.

So, back to the crux of the meaning of the title. What………..or better yet, who are the two variables that will erode society as we’ve known it for 200 years (excluding the Confederacy for a few years). Joe Biden and Donald Trump! In an ironic twist of fate due to both men’s pride and selfishness. This time last month, I had no idea I’d be saying that about one, knowing I always said it about the other. Reader, you’ve heard it here after so many progressives are too scared to state a position. Joe Biden and his family’s meddling will be just as much at fault in our country’s undoing for a generation as will Donald Trump and all who support him. With both men not realizing that are unfit to hold the highest position in the world. Around mid terms and full cycles I’ve been ‘Mr. Patroitic’ for so many years. Donating, canvassing by phone, working polls, helping with campaigns, lobbying in Montgomery in person. I can say, I may not even vote this year. That’s a hell of a statement coming from me. One I didn’t even fathom I’d articulate even one week ago. Looking back at past me (me up until three days ago) I’d tell him, I appreciate your patriotism, altruism. Just use your time wisely. Live more for yourself this election cycle. Stop the canvassing and donations. Find that special women…………those special friends to invest in. Travel and reengage in theatre and set life as a background actor. Because that type of fantasy is so much real than the political fantasy we have now. That is why I’m so exhausted and don’t care anymore. That’s the third variable I forgot to add to the byline.

Exhaustingly Yours


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