One of the things I feared as a child was a peculiar phobia of vomit. I can stand needles and blood. I’m an avid blood donor for truth’s sake. I loved all of those campy horror movies back in the 1980’s. But even as an adult I cannot stand seeing where someone has gotten sick in a public place like a parking lot of some sort. I think it is disgusting, uncouth and subhuman not to be able to find a damn toilet or to just stay home if you don’t feel well. The same decade that for whatever reason allowed me to see more cases of people displaying public sickness has been left in history to one now where I don’t see it as much now and I don’t know why. Maybe it was something in the water back then. Maybe people are more in tune now with what harmful additives to keep out of their foods. Ironically, the MAHA movement (Make America Healthy Again) under Robert Kennedy will do exactly the opposite. It will make people who think noble ideas like say dairy pasteurization, are a conspiracy to turn the consumer into a blood drinking pedophile, violently ill. It will certainly take us back to the 80’s where people will be witnesses to ‘pleasant’ surprises in public spaces where people couldn’t make it to a bathroom in time. This time signs like these will be a harbinger of hospital visits and even death due to severe microbial contamination. There will be a sentiment to consume raw produce at the expense of rational logic to get healthier to gain strength to gain the ability in owning the ‘libs.’ Sort of like what we witnessed four years ago during the Covid pandemic. You know where thousands of people thought masks and social distancing were stupid and for losers. That our bodies could naturally fight off a virus no one had ever seen in our country before. Or that drinking bleach would fix the problem. Sentiments that now look nice on a tombstone mind you!
MAHA’s irony will be a much sicker nation brainwashed to the point that someone else will get blamed for their foolish decisions against science and credible research. Hopefully they will now understand why we have administrative offices in our government run by credentialed people with years of experience to protect consumers. Podcaster David Pakman featured an excellent discussion on the matter and what has led to our country leading itself down this harmful path involving public health. Enjoy the video and don’t cry over spilt, eh puked milk!