I’d make a great gardener. I’m always seeking the root of socio-political problems in our modern times. Knowing it’s usually never the politicians themselves. For they have bosses who buy them and control them or hire them and control them. In a healthy society it’s where we hire them and control them. In a malignant one, it’s where they are purchased by well monied special interests. Many people issue screeds on social media, chat forums and over Thanksgiving dinner, while not knowing who the hell they need to blame for it all. There is an disturbing strain of social thought which is crystalized in the following jumbled motto. ‘Those born more affluently deserve everything at everyone else’s expense, if people suffer for someone going for all they can get in society, then too bad. Because those people at the top deserve more than others because they are more gifted and we should bow down to them. If we don’t then, limited resources should be taken away from us by the most talented. In other words a light form of eugenics. You can see elements of this line of logic in Donald Trump’s running mate, J.D. Vance. Who comes off as cruel in certain perspectives in how he sees human relations. It’s really expected, since he is influenced by ‘techno fascist- libertarians’ like Peter Thiel and Curtis Yarvin. So, where did Thiel and Yarvin get such ideas? What of premium kook, Ron Paul?
Russian born philosopher, Ayn Rand, is the mother of ‘commercialized’ libertarian thought. And the particular strain of it that is alarmingly showing up in the modern GOP. Yet, many people who see this philosophical malignance in political expression can’t crystalize where it started. In short, Rand, was a Russian immigrant who left Russian in the early part of last century with her family to flee the onslaught of the communist revolution. She authored the popular book, Atlas Shrugged. The revolution was no doubt, a key circumstance in her life that molded her beliefs in ‘objective’ selfishness. An individual who also was influenced by libertarian themed thought out of Austria and Russian Mysticism. Attached is an interview she gave with Phil Donohue sometime in the late 70’s or early 80’s. Yes, the video is grainy and a bit hard to hear, yet it is prescient in regards to what our society is up against at the voting booth this November. Psychologist and psychiatrist will tell you that inborn brain functioning dictates whether or not someone is going to be in the Ayn Rand camp or in the opposite one of altruism. Along with blaming socialization from upbringing, I agree with them. This bears itself out when you notice in the interview that some of the audience claps in approval of some of Rand’s more inhumane views. And when others clap when she is chastised by another audience member or Donohue himself. It demonstrates why certain people will never agree with us politically and why it’s a poor political strategy to try to bring everyone together. That is not the way human bio-psychology works. This video succinctly proves this reality. Reader, whatever your political view is, this video is one of the most important you will watch in regards to being educated on why America is having some problems economically and politically. It is my hope you view it critically and understand it’s relation to our modern times.