The Mark Of A Fool

I stay off of social media except for answering messages or locating group activity announcements to place onto my calendar.  For good reason, the things people express on social media are mostly trash!  And as we all know when it comes to culture war issues, that’s the only thing people talk about.  What so and so said.  A complaint about something someone doesn’t like about society.  A new idiotic meme to denigrate a representative from an opposing political party or cultural group. Where the user presenting it always thinks they are being clever.  Reader, I have news for you.  Whether you are a Republican, Democrat, independent, conservative, liberal, libertarian, contrarian, anarchist or even a squirrel who has found the capacity to write; you look like a fool when you behave in this manner.  Here’s why: economics and policy, much like life in general, is far more complicated than you know.  Unless you realize this you are kidding yourself if you believe these paradigms below.  Hucksters know this and in our modern times are making a financial windfall off of you. Whether it be sucking you into their podcasts, You Tube channels, click bait advertisement, ‘snake oil’ online stores and tragically even churches. These paradigms are as follows:
(1) Politicians alone should be criticized because they are the ones who cause problems like inflation
fact: economic realities like inflation are much too nuanced to be caused by one person or even political party.  Take our latest issue with inflation.  In a nutshell it is from recovery after a once in a life time pandemic. It’s Russia’s insistence on invading Ukraine and that actions strain on natural resources and how that reverberates through world economics. It’s profiteers seeing easy blame on these factors or consumer ignorance and price gouging, estimating they will never be blamed. Now, that’s not to say a decision by a president or congressional body can affect something like inflation long term.  Yet, usually factors involving anything economic come from several sources at once. Things like wars or networks of wealth sucking up resources and not paying back into a shared system.
(2) All there is involving political reality is what I see coming from opinions on the surface therefore I need to focus on the rival political party or cultural movement that is causing my angst in life.
fact:  ultra wealthy individuals, corporations and despots bent on war to horde resources in a foreign country are more than likely causing the aggravations you are experiencing in every day life.  They are even spinning information to move you toward becoming tribal in your world view to the point you don’t ever see the ‘magician’ behind the proverbial curtain. Usually those same individuals or companies fund both major political parties in America. They sit down to dinner with those same politicians you adore so much.  Those same politicians you’ve wrapped your identity into.  Those same politicians you’ll more than likely never meet in person.  In some cases, those politicians who have disdain for you unless you are extremely wealthy. 
In conclusion, if you are the type of individual who exclaims the virtues of attacking someone who has a different world view than yours or complains about some issue in life you believe is caused by a person or political institution; instead of more productive activity like: getting out the vote, researching the true mechanisms behind world troubles from vetted and reliable sources, going to therapy to guard against becoming emotionally victimized by pathological fraudsters, running for office, grass roots activism or volunteering to make your community better then you have the mark of a fool. 
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