Common sense and common law gives Christians a window as to who holds authority over us in certain aspects of time and circumstance. For anyone over 18 and having been youth we can relate to the angst of having so many authority figures prior to becoming emancipated on our 18th birthday. From my perspective, here is a list of who is and who is not an authority figure in modern day American society. With the sound reasons for why I believe so.
Although ultimately accountable to voters and laws, this office appears to have authority over citizenry. They can veto bills and have the mechanism to legally pardon any citizen without trial. They also have the ability to select judges on all levels. That dynamic alone demonstrates enough influence in my mind to claim the office of President is one of authority.
Our founding fathers brilliantly saw the need for ‘micro presidents’ in each section of our newly founded nation. With those ‘micro presidents’ they foresaw an executive position of order over ‘micro legislators,’ just like in Philadelphia and Washington. With influence and responsibilities similar to that of President, governors hold the strong argument in being in a position of authority over a constituency. Governors also hold the power to pardon or punish when it comes to some state’s capital punishment realities. No other person in a state has this ability.
As much as we detest an unjust, biased judge and yearn for one who is equitable, we must accept the reality that judges hold as much influence directly over our personal lives than any position appointed or elected. Which demonstrates another example as to why British law and now ours really is ingenious and humane. Judges need permit from a jury when it comes to trial outcomes. Another example of the ‘people’ having the ultimate voice, curtailing autocracy. Sans trials, judges demonstrate their enormous authority over our lives. Although, some are answerable to voters in lower courts, they have the means to levy mandates and punishments upon citizens. Other than being mindful of studying the character of a president or governor, this is why it is ESSENTIAL you know the integrity of a judicial candidate who goes under a vote. This is why it is NECESSARY you know the integrity or lack of integrity of a president if a judicial candidate goes under an appointment. From the supreme court to state and municipal courts; of all positions listed thus far, this one is the most obvious one that can be described as ‘authoritative.’ So, please, if their position is appointed or elected you better chose wisely; directly or indirectly. Concerning a more encouraging reality, judges have ‘time space and circumstance’ restraints on their authority. Later this week we determine which office has little or no authority over citizens. Until then! – JCB